Supply Chain Moves!
Supply Chain Moves is a publication dedicated to the supply chain industry, particularly the companies, people and events that help drive global commerce. We welcome data-driven analysis, insightful (not sales oriented) thought leadership and the executive “moves” that shape the inner-workings of the industry that keeps this world turning.
Our Team
Duane Reynolds, Editor-in-Chief:
Jessica Garcia, News Editor:
Submit news via the News, Thought Leadership and Executive Moves pages and we’ll review for publication.
Submit pitches to Duane and Jessica and we’ll review and get back to you.
We like NEWS at Supply Chain Moves. If you’re on this page and this site–you know what’s news and what isn’t.
If you’re submitting thought leadership, let’s see some stats, and some real insight. Don’t make it about your company, we know what your company does. Give us the why, the how and the why not.
So give us the good stuff, throw an anecdote in there, maybe even throw in some humor. Life is short, let’s have some fun!